Case Studies: Personal Injury Attorneys

LAW and FACTS are inextricable components of a successful legal outcome. HRG has decades of specific experience in providing irrefutable FACTS in support of tort legal theories in thousands of cases; personal injury, product liability, wrongful death, 3rd party liability, workers’ compensation, class action suits, FELA law, and medical malpractice. Our experience is amplified by working and training as a liability insurance adjuster while attending law school following a career as a federal criminal investigator.
An airplane mechanic was injured while mowing his lawn at home. A piece of metal was ejected from the power mower, lodged in his foot & caused nerve damage that made him unable to climb the narrow-rung ladders necessary in his work. Our investigation determined that the piece of metal ejected from the mower was the ‘vane’ on the cutting blade designed to create an upward draft to raise the grass for cutting. The vane was machine stamped and the vibration of the mower, over time, had caused the metal to weaken. With the expertise of a forensic metallurgist, we were able to establish 3rd party liability of the mower manufacturer.
HRG was hired to investigate the collapse of the iron structure framework of a three-story parking garage killing three and injuring many ironworkers. We were able to establish defects, noncompliance with required specifications, and a product liability case against several entities in the supply chain of the building material.
An attorney hired HRG following an adverse verdict in a case that was the proverbial ‘slam dunk’ to poll the jury to determine what went wrong. Our impartial post-trial inquiry revealed one juror gathered information from outside sources that were not introduced at trial and influenced the jury in a way which they were instructed to refrain from. The verdict was nullified, and the case was tried again with a favorable outcome.
HRG was hired to work on a Workers’ Compensation claim to verify if the employee’s injury was work-related. The employee was a delivery driver and had been struck by an uninsured, judgment-proof driver in his privately owned vehicle. The adverse driver had been interviewed, but in revisiting his testimony and pursuing additional discovery, it was determined that he had been on an errand for his boss. The attorney representing the employee gained a viable defendant through the uninsured driver’s employer, and the insurance company was able to subrogate on their comp claim.
HRG has worked on innumerable surveillance cases to establish the veracity of an individual’s activity. Rather than describe any one such assignment, suffice it to say HRG’s staff is experienced, professional, equipped with the latest surveillance technology, and operate in all conditions, including covert. We provide video, photographic, and/or witness testimony to establish facts on which you can rely.