Why Choose HRG?


  • We provide you with over 50 years of experience combining old school professional standards with cutting-edge investigative technologies.
  • Our experience and attention to detail and our skills in a collaborative approach are used to achieve your goals.
  • Our training through federal agencies, law school, professional associations while remaining current of the ever-changing laws through PI continuing education courses guarantees you unimpeachable evidence.
  • HRG’s years in the field have extended our resources globally; whether your needs are local or far afield, our prestigious staff combined with national and international professionals are at your disposal to attain your investigative needs.
  • We have evolved a sophisticated way of working alongside attorneys to coordinate a client’s legal and investigative objectives.


  • Established in 1976, HRG has a prestigious staff combined with top-notch investigators and researchers worldwide, providing comprehensive access to public records and archives with all the repositories holding information needed to build a case.
  • Our private investigators are licensed and insured.
  • With decades of training that remains up-to-date with hours of continuing education courses guarantee our investigative service complies with best practices and within the law.
  • We are committed and adept at providing excellent investigative services joining forces to provide the supporting facts while you focus on your client and legal work necessary for success.
  • Our thorough, meticulous approach, with the guarantee of value and confidentiality, results in unparalleled investigative results essential to a positive outcome.
  • We have a passion for our work, born with an investigative nature, insatiably curious, work honestly, and dedicated to protecting our clients’ best interests.

Timely and Responsive: 

  • We maintain open and timely communication with our clients. By joining forces, our vast experience and access to cutting-edge investigative technology deliver conclusive evidence promptly.
  • HRG is dedicated to technologies and an attitude of availability to our clients. We embrace old school ethical standards and state of the art investigative technologies. We’re easy to reach, responsive, and provide immediate updates of significant developments as they arise in the course of our investigation.
  • In addition to our professionally written reports with organized evidence at the culmination of our efforts, at your request, updates of our progress will be delivered as requested.


  • While our clients focus on the pertinent law, you can rest assured HRG’s investigators are focused on discovering and documenting supporting facts that only an experienced investigator can provide.
  • HRG is capable of providing in-depth investigations that can be as extensive as necessary, depending on the client’s request and needs. At the same time, it has become an HRG adage to ‘put a point on your effort,’ i.e., remain focused on the task at hand, don’t get side-tracked, and waste time or effort on superfluous, unnecessary endeavors. We believe in working smart and thorough.
  • Our work product is the measure of our success, and representing our clients to the fullest is our goal. HRG’s services are tailored to your needs.

Our Work Product:

  • You will receive personal attention from our senior staff, and all cases are handled in complete confidence.
  • Our reports are professionally written and formatted to include accuracy and completeness consistent with mandated state and federal compliance regulations.
  • HRG is skilled at providing unimpeachable evidence and testimony when required. Our efforts are guided by how our investigation will serve you in court; a preparedness that often facilitates an easier earlier resolution.
  • Our clients receive a quality work product that communicates the facts concisely and clearly.
  • We will never succumb to quick and easy conclusions at the expense of accuracy and quality.