FAQs: Corporation & Business

What do you mean by business services?
We provide investigations for both large corporations and any size business. Our investigations help protect your assets and brand. We help you know who someone is before you hire them through our background and social media investigations. Our due diligence and asset search can save you from getting into business with the wrong person and collect liens and judgments. We can help you stop the financial bleeding with our surveillance to identify and document where theft is occurring. For more information about our corporate and business investigations, please go to our Corporate/Business Services page.
How does your firm differ from other investigative agencies?
Having worked decades in corporate matters, criminal, civil, and probate cases with law school background, we are better versed in the methods of gaining information while avoiding jeopardizing our client legally.
Are your business investigations confidential?
Yes, to the extent allowed by law and circumstance. Many due diligence investigations can be conducted sub-rosa, as long as legal and permissible purposes are recognized. Higher levels of a corporate investigation may require that certain individuals be contacted for interviews, which may impact confidentiality controls.
What is included in the background screening report I receive?
Employment screening is the process in which employers seek the verification of background history and information given by a potential, current or former employee. They are essential for security purposes as well as for employee character assessment. HRG Investigations can help you determine if the potential employee is the right employee for your company by utilizing our screening process. HRG is fully licensed and insured as Private Investigators. We provide you with in-depth, complete background checks for your potential and current employees.
Our access to resources unavailable to the public enables us to help you prevent unpleasant surprises. Our investigators operate at national and global levels utilizing exclusive databases that can include the following, depending on the background search your company needs or requires:
We conduct in-depth searches that can be as extensive as necessary, depending on your request. Below are a few commonly verified background documentations we furnish:
We conduct in-depth searches that can be as extensive as necessary, depending on your request. Below are a few commonly verified background documentations we furnish:
An advantage of hiring HRG to conduct your employee screenings is that you are hiring licensed and insured Private Investigators. If you would like to find out more, a private investigator will go further should the need arise. Upon your request, HRG investigators conduct thorough, boots on the ground investigations by contacting former employers, landlords, roommates, and business partners. You won’t need to use private investigators in most instances, but having the option available when the position to be filled requires more scrutiny than any database search can provide. It’s wise to have the forethought of hiring an investigator to conduct your background screening.
What is your turnaround time on a background screening?
The scope and depth of our background check vary based on a client’s industry and specific objectives. Our investigators and researchers will work with you to determine precisely what information is most important to you and tailor an inquiry to meet your particular needs. Our background checks cover a wide variety of topics. We offer both a quick, simple database search with a 2-3 day turnaround and an extensive background check that takes a week. The advantage of hiring HRG, as a licensed and insured investigative agency, should you decide to engage in a more advanced screening. We can conduct a thorough investigation with personal interviews of former employers, landlords, roommates, partners, and witnesses providing direct source information.
How do you keep up with state and federal employment laws?
As a member of several private investigator associations that offer seminars specific to our industry, we ensure our knowledge of ever-evolving rules and regulations is part of our remaining at the forefront of our craft. Our associations employ lobbyists who not only lobby for regulations on behalf of our industry but keep HRG abreast of legislative considerations in state and federal governmental bodies.
What is the difference between what you do and what I can just look-up online?
Not every criminal record is accessible online. Investigators have access to databases and other sources not available to the rest of the public. A lot of the information you will find on the web will be outdated, incomplete, or incorrect. Knowing the limitations of online databases and rural jurisdictions allows us to provide you the most thorough reports possible. HRG is continually evolving and incorporating sources as the digital age combined with decades of experience extends our research capabilities beyond what most people are aware of.
How long does it take you to conduct social media investigations?
As with the background screening (see above), there are layers, depths, and specifics of an inquiry that determine the time and effort involved. HRG has available the latest, most innovative technology that ‘mines’ much social media information on an individual or company. Between the search and editing out a lot of extraneous information gleaned from the web, a simple report can be as quick as a few hours work and a few days for a report to be made available. Often, the initial inquiry provides additional identities of the subject. Our staff works with you to determine when ‘enough is enough,’ but we’re also able to delve deeper, and to the degree of subterfuge determines the amount of time, effort, and money to ferret out the information desired. Our senior staff will work with you to assess your needs and how far you want to go with the search.
How do you help me identify theft?
We provide covert surveillance and undercover investigations to identify where theft is occurring, documented with time-stamped photographs and video evidence. Our Investigators utilize the latest surveillance technology and techniques available and operate in all conditions. HRG also offers financial and digital forensics should the suspected unlawful conversion require exposure by analyzing either expertise.
How much do you charge?
It depends on your needs. Once we consult with you about the nature of your needs, we can set an initial budget. New clients, we require a retainer arrangement.
What type of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, and checks.
How do we contact you?
You can always call our office at (833) 788-0007 from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, or fill out the contact form, and we will contact you shortly.