FAQs: Personal Injury Attorney

What kind of personal injury cases do you work?
HRG has decades of specific experience in providing irrefutable FACTS supporting tort legal theories in thousands of cases; personal injury, product liability, wrongful death, 3rd party liability, workers’ compensation, class action suits, FELA law, and medical malpractice. We enjoy working with attorneys from ‘take-in’ to trial using our skills and investigative tools to provide the FACTS necessary to build your case. For more information about our personal injury investigations, please go to our Personal Injury Attorney Services page.
Is personal injury investigation a regular part of your casework?
Although my investigative career has entailed a variety of specialties; from Probate to Criminal, Personal Injury is where I’m most qualified with a range of education, training & experience hard to surpass. I was employed as a liability claims adjuster by an insurance company, attended law school, and worked in-house with top-notch attorneys as their investigator for decades.
How does your firm differ from other investigative agencies?
Again, I think it’s the breadth & depth of experience amplified by perpetual continuing education. While in Law School working as a liability insurance adjuster then working in-house with attorneys, I saw the advantage of working claims for an insurance company gave me. Few understood what went on inside the claims office while I was/am often able to see what evidence is needed to be successful at the beginning of a case.
How do you report your results?
In whatever method you prefer. We routinely correspond with you during the case by telephone and email. After our investigation is complete, we provide you with a well-written report with supporting documentation, witness contact lists, etc. Every case is a bit different, as are our client’s requirements. We remain aware of the need to express our findings appropriately, given the nature of the case and the manner in which our client wants to incorporate our work into their endeavor.
Are you available to testify?
Yes, and have many times. We are experienced and well versed in the courtroom.
How much do you charge?
It depends on your case. Once we consult with you about the nature of the case, we can set an initial budget. We understand resources may be limited in some cases and will work closely with you. For new clients, we require a retainer arrangement.
What type of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, and checks.
How do we contact you?
You can always call our office at (833) 788-0007 from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, or fill out the contact form, and we will contact you shortly.