FAQs: Probate & Estate Attorneys

Is probate and estate investigation a regular part of your casework?
Yes. HRG has worked thousands of Probate cases involving millions of dollars. Our investigators and genealogists have successfully identified, then located heirs around the globe, and provided the necessary court documentation. HRG maintains a worldwide network of accredited genealogists, licensed investigators, and attorneys specializing in estates, trusts, stocks, bonds, dormant bank accounts, abandoned property, and insurance benefits offering the ability to extend your reach wherever necessary. Please go to our Probate and Estate Services page for more information about our probate and estate services.
How does your firm differ from other investigative agencies?
HRG was an investigative firm, to begin with, and law school enhanced our skills. Our investigators have become proficient genealogists, but when the endeavor requires the expertise or local knowledge of archives and repositories, we work hand in hand with our accredited genealogists to get the job done.
Are your estate investigations confidential?
Yes. Your case will receive personal attention from our senior staff, and all cases are handled with complete confidence. Our thorough, meticulous approach guarantees confidentiality with unparalleled investigative results essential to a positive outcome.
How do you report your results?
The comprehensive report is indexed with appropriate records, family tree, and genealogical charts to support our findings. Armed with this documentation, an attorney is well equipped to prove to the court who the legal heirs are and what share each is entitled to receive.
Are you available to testify?
Yes, and have many times. We are experienced and well versed in the courtroom.
How much do you charge?
It depends on your case. Once we consult with you about the nature of the case, we can set an initial budget. We understand resources may be limited in some cases and will work closely with you. Some cases are best suited for an hourly rate, but we often work on a contingency where there is no charge in the unlikely scenario where we are unsuccessful in locating your heirs. For new clients, we require a retainer arrangement on cases worked on the hourly arrangement.
What type of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, and checks.
How do we contact you?
You can always call our office at (833) 788-0007 from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, or fill out the contact form, and we will contact you shortly.